Personal Finance and Insurance

I regularly write on personal finance topics for a range of outlets, especially in the pet insurance industry. I am also a copy editor for Intuit TurboTax.

Dog Euthanasia: How Much Does It Cost To Say Goodbye?

Coverage for cremation services varies among insurers. While it may not be included in standard plans, some companies offer optional coverages that include cremation, burial, and other memorial care as part of their optional wellness plans. Pet owners should familiarize themselves with these options so they can make informed decisions about final arrangements for their pets.

Facing the decision of dog euthanasia is challenging for any pet owner. Understanding the financial aspects, exploring av
Photo by Michael Morse on Pexels

How to Leash Train a Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide | Pets Best

For pet parents and their furry friends, a walk on the leash isn't just a daily ritual—it's a bonding experience, an opportunity for exercise and a chance to explore the world together. Yet if you've ever been dragged down the street by an over enthusiastic pup or found yourself in a frustrating tug-of-war with a stubborn hound, you know that leash training is not as simple as attaching a leash to your dog's collar.
Photo by Lum3n on Pexels

How to Leash Train a Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide | Pets Best

For pet parents and their furry friends, a walk on the leash isn't just a daily ritual—it's a bonding experience, an opportunity for exercise and a chance to explore the world together. Yet if you've ever been dragged down the street by an over enthusiastic pup or found yourself in a frustrating tug-of-war with a stubborn hound, you know that leash training is not as simple as attaching a leash to your dog's collar.
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