Hello there.

I'm Fiona Tapp, a freelance copywriter, content writer, and editor.

I've written for brands, hotel chains, tourism boards, and many magazines and websites.

You may have seen my work in these publications:

Maja Villarroel © White Mosaic Photography

These are some of my favourite pieces...

The Importance of Bees: Teaching Kids about Pollinators

The humble bee is a symbol of busy productivity. It is
also one of the most important pollinators. What makes bees so special? They transfer pollen from male to female flower parts in order to fertilize plants, a
process that is essential for the reproduction of many flowering plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Bees and other pollinators are responsible for
35 percent of global crop production.

Is Social Media Rewiring Our Children's Brains?

Some of Canada's largest school boards think so and are suing tech giants Meta, Snapchat and TikTok.

Educators and health experts around the world have been raising the alarm about the negative effects of social media on children’s behaviour and development for years. Last week, U.S. Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy, declared social media unsafe for kids’ mental health. Now some of Canada’s largest school boards are taking their complaints to court.
AleksanderNakic / Getty Images

Top Things To Do in the Maldives With Kids

Known as the ultimate honeymoon destination, the Maldives might not automatically register as a family friendly vacation spot.

However, thanks to the warmth and kindness of Maldivians who genuinely seem to find kids delightful, the extraordinarily rich marine biodiversity and a range of fun excursions and activities, these 26 atolls floating in the Indian Ocean are a natural playground for kids of all ages.

Healing Through Art-The Legacy of the Williams Treaties

As we reflect—through a lens of truth and reconciliation—on the Williams Treaties, their history, and their impact on the communities they affected, we grapple with issues of colonialism, land rights, and healing.
For some Indigenous peoples, healing is expressed through art. It not only offers a therapeutic medium to work through generational trauma, but also provides a tangible and powerful way to educate and move an
audience in the form of a painting, sculpture, or traditional craft...
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