
With both GTC QTS and OCT, I am certified to teach in England and Canada. I was an elementary school teacher for 13 years and hold a master's degree in education.

I have experience designing, planning, developing and editing schemes of work, including detailed lesson guides with learning resources, and exam materials. I’ve written many policy documents, collaborated on national frameworks and lead school curriculum innovation.

I've shared my expertise and insight into life in the classroom with The Times Educational Supplement, Parents, Today's Parent, Teach Magazine, Ozy... Read on, you might learn something new.

The Importance of Bees: Teaching Kids about Pollinators

The humble bee is a symbol of busy productivity. It is
also one of the most important pollinators. What makes bees so special? They transfer pollen from male to female flower parts in order to fertilize plants, a
process that is essential for the reproduction of many flowering plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Bees and other pollinators are responsible for
35 percent of global crop production.

Teen Lobbies for State Bat

A 13-year-old California girl successfully advocates for pallid bat as a state symbol...

Naomi d’Alessio has always loved bats, and she’s had more experience with bats than most adults. She attended a bat conservation and ecology class at San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus as an observer, and enjoyed it so much that she got her rabies vaccine so she could take the class again as a hands-on participant, handling pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus).

Is Social Media Rewiring Our Children's Brains?

Some of Canada's largest school boards think so and are suing tech giants Meta, Snapchat and TikTok.

Educators and health experts around the world have been raising the alarm about the negative effects of social media on children’s behaviour and development for years. Last week, U.S. Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy, declared social media unsafe for kids’ mental health. Now some of Canada’s largest school boards are taking their complaints to court.

Teach Magazine Book Club

The literary and educational communities are grappling with the challenge of recent book bans across the United States. In 2022 alone there were 137 gag order bills introduced in 36 state legislatures that sought to limit what materials could be taught or made available in public schools and libraries. Like so many American trends, this one is unfortunately migrating up to Canada too with recent stories such as a ban on books containing LGBTQ themes by the Waterloo Catholic District School Board.

Healing Through Art-The Legacy of the Williams Treaties

As we reflect—through a lens of truth and reconciliation—on the Williams Treaties, their history, and their impact on the communities they affected, we grapple with issues of colonialism, land rights, and healing.
For some Indigenous peoples, healing is expressed through art. It not only offers a therapeutic medium to work through generational trauma, but also provides a tangible and powerful way to educate and move an
audience in the form of a painting, sculpture, or traditional craft...

Saving the Future: Climate Action and the Rights of Nature

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A landmark case is currently making its way through the legal system in Canada, the very first of its kind. A group of seven young eco-activists are taking the Ontario government to task for failing to live up to several climate change targets. But it's the argument these young mavericks use that's truly revolutionary. It’s the first time in Canadian history that climate change has been cited as a violation of a Canadian citizen's charter rights.

7 Tips for Transitioning Back to School After Winter Break

Winter break and the associated holidays—like Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa—inject some fun into an otherwise dull, cold time of year. But when the festivities end in the new year, kids often struggle with the transition back to routine, rules, and homework. Returning to the classroom doesn't invoke the same excitement as back-to-school season in August, and summer break feels overwhelmingly far away.

11 Best Online Tutoring Services for Kids

These online tutoring companies offer different perks for kids of all ages so you can find the perfect educational helper for your child.
School closures across the world in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic have been incredibly difficult for parents and teachers to navigate. Getting used to homeschooling, ironing out the kinks on various different online teaching platforms, and trying to balance virtual school, work, and perhaps other childcare has been a massive challenge.

30 Journal Prompts for Kids to Aid Self-Discovery

Journaling is a great way for kids to practice their literary skills and explore their emotions. Whether you like the idea of creating a gratitude journal or simply using a journal to inspire creativity, these fun prompts are an easy way to get started. No matter your age, keeping a journal is a great way to think deeply about your feelings and reflect on your day. It can help you to work through difficult emotions, develop gratitude, set goals, and check in on your emotional well-being.
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